Thursday, June 17, 2010

Koala Lou

By Mex Fox
Illustrated by Pamela Lofts
: 9780152005023

Fox, Mem. 1989. Koala Lou. Ill. by Pamela Lofts. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Koala Lou fondly remembers when she was the only child and her mother would constantly say, “Koala Lou, I DO love you.” Now that her mother has many other babies, Koala Lou misses the days when she was the center of attention. She thinks that she must earn her mother’s love again and decides to earn it by winning the gum tree climbing contest at the Bush Olympics. When she doesn’t win first place, she is upset. Her mother comes to comfort her and reminds her, “Koala Lou, I DO love you. I always have, and I always will.”

In this heartwarming story, readers will relate to the main character, Koala Lou, because the fear of not being loved is universal. The only cultural markers evident in this story include the Australian illustrations and Fox's use of language. For example, Mother asks Koala Lou, "How're ya goin?", which is a common Australian phrase. Fox also sets a tone of acceptance and tolerance by showing that all of the different species of animals loved Koala Lou though her mother loved her the most. The vibrant illustrations of Australian animals and plants will transport the reader to the land down under.

Review Excerpts:
Kirkus Review: “This satisfying reworking of a familiar and ever-important theme is appealingly illustrated--bright colors, soft-edged sculptural forms, precise detail, dozens of expressive animals. This is another winning import from one of Australia's favorite authors.”

Publisher’s Weekly: “Koala Lou celebrates the eternal love of a mother for her child.”

*Other books by Mem Fox:
Possum Magic ISBN: 9780152632243
Tough Boris ISBN: 9780152018917
Wombat Divine ISBN: 9780152020965
Hello Baby! ISBN: 9781416985136
Whoever You Are ISBN: 9780152060305
The Magic Hat ISBN: 9780152057152
Hattie and the Fox ISBN: 9780689716119

*Check out Mem Fox's Website:

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